Portrait of Wind

Portrait of Wind

These photograph were made using a slitscan camrea of my own invention.

The camera stands still and takes a picture as if it were looking through an almost closed door. It produces one column of pixels— the smallest unit… the “atom” of a photograph. So it takes that one snapshot -- a slit of a picture. It remembers that and it takes another one in exactly the same spot and puts the slits side by side. It does this a hundred times a second to build up the picture in the horizontal direction. If something moves or changes in front of the camera, that thing is rendered clearly. If nothing moves, or changes in front of the lens, then all those snapshots are the same and the picture is a series of horizontal stripes. The camera limits the information coming in -- throwing away one dimension, the horizontal and replaces it with the dimension of time.
"Portrait of Wind - Palm"
"Portrait of Wind - Rose"
"Portrait of Wind - Lake"
"Portrait of Wind - Creek"
"Portrait of Wind - Water Music"
"Portrait of Wind - Water Palm"
"Portrait of Wind - Giant Reed"